I should check out Mastodon. I had the idea it was all news, but if I go on there, I'll look for you.

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I think the news one is Post, which is apparently hard to get an account on. I haven't tried it!

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I agree, I grieve, too, Raima, after building a community on Twitter. I dumped FB years ago. Anticipating that I will deactivate (or dump) my account, I'm looking to connect with a number of the same thinkers, personalities, and writers. One way is I'm subscribing on other's web site/newsletters.And social media--I'm on Post, which is growing--I hope they hire some fired Twitter employees so they can do more (like notifications). Anyway, I'm subscribing to yours. Maybe give mine a look? www.jeanwaight.com.

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Thanks, Jean - and nice to "meet" you! I checked out your interesting blog and just subscribed. I have not tried Post, but am thriving on Mastodon after just a month of being on it. If you are there as well, you can find me @raimalarter@writing.exchange.

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Yep. I went through this with Google+ several years ago as well. I nuke my Twitter account tomorrow.

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Yes - same for me, with Google+ back whenever that happened. I'm not sure I'm ready to turn off Twitter quite yet, but I'm definitely not using it much anymore!

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It's always kind of uprooting when this happens. I'll be well rid of it by the end of the day is my current feeling.

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Nov 7, 2022
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So sorry to hear about the gallery closing. Too many losses all at once! And, yes, send me an invite for that mastodon server. I'm still not sure I really want to go that route but I should at least try it. Still on Twitter, too...for now!

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